That is a good point.
I think it's meaningless in the context of whole house power consumption because it's nothing compared with AC and EV.
However, in the context of conducting comparison with other cloud desktop solutions and cloud IDE solutions like Shell, CodeSpace, it make sense to do the math to make sure that we won't end up with a solution with higher upfront cost and similar operational expense.
For example, if a PC idle at 50W, then the monthly operational cost will be (50/1000)kW * 24 Hr/Day * 30 Day/Month * 0.4 Dollar/kWh = $14.4/Month (if my toilet paper math was correct...). In this case, for $14/Month, it will be very close to some of the Shell solutions. Then the decision will come down to whether the use case requires the computing power instead of cost effectiveness.
In general, yes this is not a super important factor compared with the convenience and other stuff, but one dimension to consider.